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Placeholder for Woman working in datacenterWoman working in datacenter

Data centre Network automation

Focus on Intent-Based Networking (IBN)

Intent-based networking (IBN) is a form of network administration to which artificial intelligence (AI), orchestration and machine learning (ML) are applied to automate the management of administrative operations

Romain Quinat
Placeholder for Romain QuinatRomain Quinat

Romain Quinat

3 min. read
Placeholder for Celebration with balloonsCelebration with balloons

Juniper Networks Enterprise networking

Juniper Networks leader in the 2021 Magic Quadrant™ for enterprise wired and wireless LAN infrastructure

We are proud to say that our partner Juniper Networks is positioned furthest in both ability to execute and completeness of vision in the MQ for enterprise wired and wireless LAN infrastructure.

5 min. read
Placeholder for Industrial datacenter hallwayIndustrial datacenter hallway

EVPN Data centre

EVPN Data Centre Interconnect options

An overview of available options for EVPN Data Centre Interconnect (DCI) architectures used to connect multiple data centres together in a secure, resilient and scalable manner.

Adam Kirchberger
Placeholder for Adam KirchbergerAdam Kirchberger

Adam Kirchberger

4 min. read
Placeholder for Woman relaxing on sofa smartphoneWoman relaxing on sofa smartphone
Juniper Networks

Juniper Networks Mist AI

WiFi transformation for notonthehighstreet.com [Video]

In this video, Brett Irvine, IT manager at notonthehighstreet.com tells us about his previous WiFi solution and why it wasn't sufficient.

1 min. read
Placeholder for Man celebrating with confettiMan celebrating with confetti

Partnership Success story

Eurofiber and Nomios celebrate 10 years of partnership

Nomios and Eurofiber celebrate 10 years of being proactive partners as they work to secure and connect European cities.

6 min. read
Placeholder for Aerial view city streetsAerial view city streets

Firewall Network security

Two of our partners are a leader in the 2021 Magic Quadrant™ for network firewalls

We are proud to announce that our partners were named leader in the 2021 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for network firewalls: Palo Alto Networks and Fortinet.

6 min. read
Placeholder for Nomios celebrationNomios celebration

Company update

Leading security and network company Infradata continues European expansion as Nomios

All Infradata companies in Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, Poland, United Kingdom and United States are rebranding to Nomios. Together with Nomios in France we now form the Nomios Group.

Richard Landman
Placeholder for Richard landmanRichard landman

Richard Landman

2 min. read
Placeholder for London train track from aboveLondon train track from above
Juniper Networks

Juniper Networks

Anuta ATOM and Juniper Paragon Automation powers the WAN

ATOM stands for Automation, Telemetry, Orchestration, Multi-vendor.

Eslam Eid Hassan
Placeholder for Eslam Eid HassanEslam Eid Hassan

Eslam Eid Hassan

5 min. read
Placeholder for Aerial view highway flyoversAerial view highway flyovers

Palo Alto Networks Netscout

NETSCOUT and Palo Alto Networks announce security solutions integration

NETSCOUT and Palo Alto Networks enhance security operations, coupled with advanced DDoS protection, which helps customers more quickly resolve threats while reducing complexity.

1 min. read
Placeholder for Edr ndr mdr xdrEdr ndr mdr xdr

Detection & Response

EDR, NDR, XDR, MDR - Different concepts of Detection & Response

"Threat Detection & Response" is nowadays considered an indispensable means of securing corporate networks. We explain the difference between EDR, NDR, XDR and MDR.

3 min. read
Placeholder for Datacenter hall blue lightDatacenter hall blue light

Nokia Optical networking

Nomios deploys IP/Optical solution to connect NorthC data centres via high-speed Region Connect Ring

Nomios and Nokia integrated an IP/optical data centre interconnect solution for NorthC Datacenters (NorthC), the largest regional data centre provider in the Netherlands.

3 min. read
Placeholder for Blue and white round frame scopio 144cd8ec 64c8 4824 a56c 7a90b2d8d6ddBlue and white round frame scopio 144cd8ec 64c8 4824 a56c 7a90b2d8d6dd
Juniper Networks

SASE Cloud

Will SASE mark the end of networks as we know it?

SD-WAN's days appear to be numbered. SASE promises to become the go-to networking technology for linking together virtually all types of users and devices.

John Edwards
Placeholder for Male1Male1

John Edwards

3 min. read
Placeholder for Students universityStudents university

Network infrastructure Success story

HERS University College upgrades its entire network infrastructure thanks to the Infradata and Belnet framework agreement

HERS decided to rebuild the IT hardware from scratch, as quickly as possible and in one go. They got help from Infradata and Belnet.

2 min. read
Placeholder for Office facade cloud reflectionOffice facade cloud reflection

Multi-cloud Cloud security

How to protect your multicloud?

Protect your data across the multicloud and drive increased innovation and agility.

Fabien Gilis
Placeholder for Fabien GilisFabien Gilis

Fabien Gilis

4 min. read
Placeholder for Office building by nightOffice building by night

Security Network security

Cybersecurity: Now and then

How has cybersecurity evolved over the past decades? In this blog, we look at the developments.

René Huizinga

8 min. read
Placeholder for Roundabout road carsRoundabout road cars

Cloud security

The top 6 cloud security challenges in 2021

Cloud security challenges for 2021 include managing complex cloud environments, complying with rules and regulations and a lack of visibility. Find out the rest right here.

Rachid Groeneveld
Placeholder for Rachid GroeneveldRachid Groeneveld

Rachid Groeneveld

5 min. read
Placeholder for Woman working in datacenterWoman working in datacenter

Network security

The 2 biggest network security threats this year

We dive deeper into what we believe are two of the most significant network security threats in 2021: DDoS and ransomware attacks.

Remco Hobo
Placeholder for Remco hoboRemco hobo

Remco Hobo

5 min. read
Placeholder for Rack network cablesRack network cables
Juniper Networks

Juniper Networks

Juniper Paragon automation software suite

The Juniper Networks Paragon Automation software suite is a cloud-delivered solution to assure customer service experience.

Eslam Eid Hassan
Placeholder for Eslam Eid HassanEslam Eid Hassan

Eslam Eid Hassan

2 min. read

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