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Flowmon Packet Investigator

Packet capture solution for network forensics.

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Flowmon Packet Investigator (FPI) is an automated network traffic auditing tool that records and interprets full packet data. Combining automatic PCAP investigation and built-in expert knowledge, provides administrators with not only an understanding of emergent issues but also with suggestions for a remedy, saving hours or even days of manual work.

What FPI can do for you:

  • On-demand network traffic recording (L2-L7) for in-depth troubleshooting.
  • Automate packet analysis of captured events with built-in expert knowledge.
  • Streamline troubleshooting with automatic explanations and suggestions for a remedy.
Flowmon Packet Investigator

Key benefits and features

icon Automated analytics

Automated analytics

Autonomous investigation of DHCP, DNS, FTP, IMAP, IMF, POP, SIP, SLAAC, SMB, SMTP, IP, TCP, SSL, HTTP for resolving operational problems, compatibility issues, etc.
icon Built-in expertise

Built-in expertise

The Investigator uses an analytical engine to locate the root-cause, explains it in a clear message, and suggests remedial actions.
icon Hard evidence anytime you need

Hard evidence anytime you need

Capture relevant packets at 1G, 10G, 40G, and 100G speeds. Use inbuilt capture capabilities or upload PCAPs from external sources.
icon Rolling buffer

Rolling buffer

A set of packets per flow remains buffered for a defined period and is recorded on-demand.
icon Automated triggers

Automated triggers

A detected event can automatically trigger full packet recording, making raw traffic data available for thorough analysis.
icon Consolidation of tools

Consolidation of tools

Availability, capacity, troubleshooting, compliance, and forensics - with Flowmon, all under one hood, across the entire hybrid environment.
Get in touch with us today

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